💡 When videos are uploaded, social media channels automatically compress file sizes to fit server capacity. Consequently, this results in a decrease in video quality. Due to different policies across social media channels, VDIT app cannot provide a perfect solution. Instead, we have prepared some tips in this guide that may help improve the quality decrease. Please refer to them for assistance.
Adjust Compression Ratio
Before uploading videos, it's important to check the compression ratio first. Bitrate refers to the amount of data (bits) transmitted per second in video or audio files, and it's commonly used to adjust compression ratios. Higher bitrate results in higher video quality as more data is transmitted, but it also increases file size. Conversely, a lower bitrate reduces video quality but allows for smaller file sizes. Therefore, when adjusting bitrate, it's essential to consider the desired file size, video quality, and the purpose of the video production.
VDIT does not currently have a feature to adjust Bitrate, but it will be added soon. Please stay tuned! 🤗
Save as 4K Resolution
Saving edited videos in the highest quality (4K) option can also be a fundamental and essential step in minimizing video quality degradation. You can set the high-resolution option in VDIT as follows.
1. Tap the [Save] button.
2. Tap the [Resolution] menu.
3. VD provides four resolution options including low quality (SD), medium quality (HD), high quality (FHD), and ultra-high quality (4K). To maintain the highest possible video quality when uploading to social media, please select the highest resolution option(4K).
4. Tap the [Save to Photos] button to save the 4K video.
🪄 If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us via [vdit@imgbase.me]. We are committed to providing the best app service.
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