Copyright of the video created with VDIT belongs to users. Background music, sound effects, and stickers provided by VDIT are free to use. Additionally, uploading videos edited with VDIT to social media and using them for commercial purposes is also allowed.
However, the audio files and stickers provided by VDIT are only permitted for use when editing with VDIT. It cannot be used in the following cases.
- Resale or redistribution
- Saving and/or downloading of the music separately for other purposes
- Broadcasting through TV or radio programs
- As theme songs for other commercial or vendable products
- Redistribution or commercial usage added from GIF search (provided by GIPHY)
For more information, please check the following guides.
👉 Can VDIT Soundtrack be used for commercial purposes?
👉 Can searched stickers be used for commercial purposes?
If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us! Thank you.
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